Not Giving Up!

Not Giving Up!

Justin in the Dominican Republic Things did not go smoothly for Justin from the beginning. His mom, Rosa Maria, had a complicated pregnancy, but was able to deliver Justin without too many issues. However, her son’s twisted feet were never properly diagnosed. Rosa...
Hope for the Future

Hope for the Future

Nawa in Zambia Nawa was born into a loving family in Ndola New Hillcrest in Zambia. Her father, Manifred, is a caretaker and farmer who is very invested in his daughter. Manifred and his wife, Catherine, were unsure of what to do when they realized that their daughter...
Answered Prayers

Answered Prayers

Peniel in Burundi When Peniel was born with clubfoot, his parents immediately recognized the condition because Peniel’s aunt also has clubfoot. However, the family did not know a treatment for clubfoot existed because the aunt’s clubfoot was never treated. When Peniel...