
Francisco sees each of the children he deals with as a Hope Walks parent advisor in Mozambique as little angels on earth. The patients who impact him the most are those who come to the clinic with other health problems in addition to clubfoot.

He first started working in the clubfoot clinic at the Maputo Central Hospital in 2013. Francisco is an administrator at a local university and a pastor at an evangelical church. His skills as a pastor help him perform his main duty of giving spiritual advice to the families who come into the clinic looking for a solution to correct their children?s feet.

His greatest challenge is working with the families who do not comply with treatment directions. Sadly, he sees some children?s feet relapse because the families don?t use the braces properly. Educating parents is as important as setting the cast properly in the process to correct clubfoot.

According to Francisco, faith and empathy for others are the most important qualities to have as a parent advisor. It?s what gives him the strength to support these children and their families.