
Baby Kusa in Ethiopia

Sometimes things happen in our lives that make us question God’s faithfulness. Kusa and his wife Zinash had a prophetic message from their church prophet about their unborn baby being a servant of God. They held onto what God spoke to them, but after seeing their baby boy born with bilateral clubfoot, they began to question that prophetic message. That even made them decide to depart from neighbors, relatives and cut their ties with the church. However, Kusa was waiting on God faithfully to intervene in their baby boy’s situation.

Luckily, they heard about Hope Walks from the health center where their baby was born. After trying some traditional methods of healing, they finally decided to follow the Ponseti method of casts and braces, the gold-standard for clubfoot treatment, provided by Hope Walks partners at Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa.

Following the treatment wasn’t very easy for Kusa’s family. They were very happy with the counseling service, which provided education on the process, encouragement to attend appointments and even healing for their broken relationship with the church. However, his employer was not as supportive of the weekly clinic visits and they eventually fired Kusa.

After several clinic visits, they said, “We did not trust the nurse at first when she told us it will be healed, but the improvement it shows within two weeks is unbelievable and our hope is flourishing again. We consider ourselves as if we are born again. We’re the happiest parents, and we give thanks to God for his faithfulness and you guys.” What makes it even better is that Kusa found a better job after his son completed the casting process.

Flourishing hope. Being born again. A new, more promising place of employment for his dad…Perhaps Baby Kusa was truly the servant of God his parents had been promised.


