
Host a Brace-painting Party & help kids with clubfoot

Use your creativity for a cause and paint the future bright for children born with clubfoot! Whether you are painting with your family, friends, organization or church, this is a fun and tangible way for you to be the hands of Jesus and show love to a child.



Clubfoot is a common, yet treatable, condition. We can easily correct clubfoot in infants using the Ponseti method, the gold-standard treatment of casts and braces. Once the casts have straightened the feet in a few weeks or months, the braces will be used to maintain the foot correction.

Children will wear braces full-time for approximately three months and then only while napping and at night until the child is about five years old. As you can see, they are a big part of a child’s journey, and each child will wear between 6-12 braces throughout that time.



There are two major impacts your brace painting has on children. The painted braces help to:

    1. Heal Hearts – In Africa and Latin America, society tells the mothers that they did something wrong during their pregnancy to cause this condition to their child, or they say to the family that this is a punishment from God and that they’re cursed. The families hide their children out of fear and unnecessary shame.

Hope Walks works within the communities to break off the stigma and shame. We speak life and truth over these families. We tell the mothers that they did nothing wrong to cause this to their child, and we tell the families that God loves them and that clubfoot is treatable. Imagine the feeling these families must have when they come out of hiding, receive free treatment and then have someone give them hand-painted “shoes” for their child. They no longer feel shame. Instead, they feel seen, valued and loved. Your artwork on these braces not only helps feet to remain healed, but it also helps heal hearts.

2. Increase Completion Rates of Treatment – Because the braces are now painted and “cool,” children want to wear them. This decreases the rates of relapse and increases treatment completion rates. Your artwork is inspiring!

It’s super easy


Order Your Party Box


Invite Friends


Have fun & Transform Lives

We’ll send you a photo when your leather is turned into a life-transforming brace and is ready to be given to a child in need, like one of the cuties below. Finally, a fundraiser where you can literally see the difference you are making!

Pick your party size

Whether hosting a small intimate gathering of friends or a larger church or corporate event, you are in charge of how many leathers you want.

Each pair of leathers comes in a cloth bag including three paint markers, a tracking card, information about clubfoot, a Hope Walks sticker and a pen.

To share the cost with your guests, we suggest everyone chip in a minimum of $20 per leather to cover the cost of materials, production and shipping for each leather they paint. Each donation helps more kids walk free of clubfoot.

Please call us at (717) 502-4400 for larger groups to make arrangements. 

What are you waiting for?

At Hope Walks, we know you have a heart for kids in need but don’t always know where to begin. If you’re looking for a unique and easy way to help kids, our brace-painting party boxes offer you and your friends a fun way to do just that.

You don’t need to be the next Rembrandt or Picasso to paint a brace. Simple is best — polka dots, strips, stars. Your efforts will literally brighten a child’s future. If you provide your contact information, we’ll share a photo of your painted leather once it is turned into a brace in Africa. All you need to do is order a brace-painting party box, invite some friends and have fun while transforming the life of a child.

Here’s what one painter said after receiving a photo of her leather turned into a brace.

“Oh my goodness! What a wonderful surprise to see in my inbox. Thanks so much for sharing!!”

Anonymous Brace Painter

Our little secret…

Does a brace really need to be painted? No, it will work just fine all black or brown and boring. But as you can imagine, kids often complain about wearing these braces while they sleep.

A fun-looking and colorful brace can help a child want to wear it. Our program manager in Zambia told us about one little boy who was in tears when he grew out of his painted brace and had to move up to the next size and we didn’t have a painited brace for him.

Your painted braces encourage our moms to return to the clinic when their child outgrows their current boots.

Imagine the gratitude of a clubfoot mom or dad who will have fewer struggles getting their child to wear a brace.  This is more than just an art project. It is a device that is a vital part of the healing process.

Order soon!

The number of braces Hope Walks needs each year is limited. Our goal for this year is 5,000. Once we reach our yearly limit, you will be placed on a waiting list.
Painters must be 13 years or older and adult contact information must be provided to receive photos of finished braces.

Host a Paint Party

We’re so glad you want to take the next step to paint the future bright for kids with clubfoot. Tell us what type of party you plan to host. 

$20 Donation = 1 Pair of Leathers

 If you and your friends and family would like to have a small gathering and paint leathers (approximately 10 leathers or less), click the button above.

If your organization or church group would like to hold an event or retreat and include brace painting as an activity, we’d love to partner with you. Click the button above to get started.

On average it costs $20 per leather to:

  1. Ship to US Headquarters and take to Africa. (Staff usually carry an extra suitcase or two when we travel to the field.)
  2. Manufacture the Braces (We hire local workers to turn your leathers into a brace.)
  3. Deliver them to Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda or Zambia where they get put on the feet of a child with clubfoot.

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