
Deborah in Haiti

There’s a saying, “you get what you pay for.” But in the case of Lumenie and her daughter Deborah in Haiti, they discovered that when it comes to clubfoot treatment, “free” is always best.

Deborah was born with clubfoot and her mom Lumenie was taking her to a clinic that was not having success correcting her clubfoot. Even worse, the treatment was very expensive. When a nurse saw Deborah struggling with treatment at 16-months and realized Lumenie couldn?t afford ongoing care, she quietly referred her to the Hope Walks partner clinic at HAH/Diquini. There Deborah would have access to the highest quality care at no cost to her mom.

Even with this, keeping up with treatments was not always easy for this mom and daughter living in a politically unstable country. Often while traveling to the clinic for the weekly castings, unrest in the area would be too dangerous and Lumenie and Deborah would return to the security of their home without making it to the clinic.

Today, Deborah?s clubfoot has been completely corrected and Lumenie has become more confident in God?s sovereignty over everything. She gladly shares her story with others hoping their children too will walk free of clubfoot.


Deborah’s mom holds her during the first visit before treatment began, and Deborah standing on her straight feet!